Another busy day, another project to juggle, and a stack of drawings to review. Amid all the important application-specific details, there's a call out for an ASSE 1060 enclosure. "At least that piece will be easy," you say to yourself. Making a quick call to a colleague, a Google search, or an email to your local manufacturer rep or distributor will let you cross that item off the list to let you focus on the guts of the project.
However, when you see an ASSE 1060 enclosure called out, it's important to know that you've got brand options that could actually substantially simplify the real work of your project. Here are the three factors you need to know to make the right decision.
Right Factor 1 - Design Know-How
Let's start with the potentially most important factor. Believe it or not, your choice of backflow cover supplier is about more than the generic versus branded term. Instead, focus directly on the project design. Ask the enclosure manufacturer for stock drawings of backflow assemblies drawn with the enclosure that could save you reinventing the wheel — letting you get on to other projects and details faster.
Also, since this is an ancillary item, you need these details quickly. That means pricing, drawings and lead-time details within a couple days of inquiring. In a real jam? Why can't you get the details in a matter of hours?
It is important for enclosure drawings and submittals to be approved by the water jurisdiction on the first review. This saves you time and the hassle for going back and forth. Rely on a manufacturer with a 20-year track record of saving engineers and contractors countless hours of wasted time. Not all manufacturers have this design and engineering expertise on staff.
Right Factor 2 – Backflow Cover Quality And Features

Not all backflow covers are made the same. An important feature is a removable roof. This design feature allows the backflow to be lifted from the enclosure when it needs to be replaced. Some water jurisdictions include this design feature as a requirement for the backflow cover.
The next important design feature is insulation. Rigid board insulation secured to the walls of the backflow cover by retainer guarantees the insulation will be in place for decades. This is not the case with sprayed-on insulation that can crack and break off during shipping, installation, and through the years. This short video demonstrates how a backflow cover panel is manufactured. Notice the level of quality.
The next important feature is aesthetics.Look for color availability to help disguise the enclosure.Safe-T-Cover is the only manufacturer that offers standard models in green, tan, and gray at the same price as the mill finish.
And the last important feature to keep in mind is the heat source.Most backflow cover manufacturers offer wall-mounted heaters.These do a good job keeping the roof of the backflow cover warm but not so good of a job keeping the backflow assembly and the concrete pad warm. A slab-mounted heater is the way to go. Currently, Safe-T-Cover is the only manufacturer providing a slab-mounted heater option.
Right Factor 3 – Market Strength Of The Manufacturer
This final factor is one that might be considered intangible: reputation and strength in the market. Look for longevity and market presence. Market data is limited among privately held companies, so nobody knows for sure, but you'll find Safe-T-Cover distributed nationally and viewed as the industry leader for quality, lead time, price, and customer service. Safe-T-Cover has been in business for more than 30 years and family-owned for more than 20 years. No other national backflow cover manufacturer competes with this.
Design your project and select the right enclosure
Not all brands are the same — we all know that as consumers when making a purchasing decision.The next time you need to design or purchase a backflow cover, be sure to consider these important factors. Let us know how we can help.