Safe-T-Cover News

Safe-T-Cover Releases Presentation featured at ABPA Meetng

Posted by Cary Wiley on Jan 20, 2017 2:00:00 PM
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Jan. 20, 2017 - The water engineering community has been struggling with new professional liability risk involving the location of premise isolation backflow preventer systems; Not because of new design practices, but because of new information about the old practices. There has been a slow trickle of warnings for years, but in the past 3 years important organizations and industry leaders have added new warnings with much stronger language that not only change recognized best practices, but actually challenge the fitness and safety of older placement methods altogether.

Randy Holland is the managing director of EnviroDesign Management and a consultant for Safe-T-Cover. He has put together a comprehensive presentation covering these changes. He regularly presents to engineering firms, ABPA and ASPE chapters and more on this topic.

This new presentation consists of three parts. The first is on the differences between DC and RPZ backflow preventers. The first part of the presentation is located hereThe second covers the current backflow preventer placement practices including vaults, indoors and backflow enclosures. The third part is about the increasingly popular move by public water systems to require RPZ backflow preventers on all water lines. Together, they all discuss backflow preventer installation, standard details, and best practices. The series focuses on three key facts: Water utilities are seeking more premise-isolation cross connection control. More containment systems are being specified as RPZ regardless of hazard threshold. The AWWA, ASPE, & the legal community recognize "outside aboveground" as 'best practice' for backflow installation.